
How to Create a Music Streaming Mobile App: Music Streaming App Development

Remember the time when you used to visit the Internet cafe to get new songs on your iPod or Walkman?

Seems like a long time ago, doesn’t it?

Well, with the introduction of music streaming mobile apps, the way we listen to music has changed completely. We are just a click away from downloading our preferred music streaming app and listen to our favorite track, anywhere and at any time.

According to technavio, the global music streaming service market is expected to grow by $10.01 billion from 2019 to 2023. This growing popularity is the result of the convenient services provided by these apps and the value of the money they offer to their users.

If you are thinking of developing a music streaming mobile app, then follow the below-mentioned steps and you are good to go.

Let’s begin.

Popular music streaming mobile apps

Before developing a music streaming app, you need to learn about your possible competitors. Some of the popular music streaming mobile apps available in the market are:


Spotify is amongst the most downloaded music streaming apps. According to Statista, in 2019, 35 percent of music streaming subscribers worldwide had subscribed to Spotify. It is delivering service to about 100 million subscribers.

Spotify is available in both free and paid versions. Free accounts offer a wide range of music collections but have some listening limitations and ads while the paid account offers premium services like ad-free music and offline streaming.

YouTube Music

YouTube music is available by subscription. According to Statista, the YouTube Music app was downloaded over 5.2 million times from the Google Play Store and nearly 1.5 million times from the Apple App Store in 2021, making it the world’s leading music app.

YouTube Music provides both video and audio mode to its user and can search songs using snippets of lyrics. It is popular for its enhanced audio quality and listening experience. This music app is available for both Android and iOS users.

Apple Music

Apple Music made approximately $4.1 billion in revenue in 2020, accounting for 7.6 percent of Apple’s total services revenue, according to Business of Apps.

This app offers a great collection of songs for users from all over the world. You can also listen to the local radio station using this app.

Apple Music is available for both Android and iOS users.

Points to consider before developing a music streaming mobile app

Types of music streaming services

Before starting the development process, you should decide what type of music streaming service you want to build.

Some of the popular music streaming services are:

Music Media Libraries

Media music libraries allow the user to have unlimited access to songs on a monthly subscription payment basis. Using this service, a user can avoid expenses on purchasing individual songs or albums.

Examples: Spotify, YouTube Music, Apple Music

Cloud Storage

This platform allows users to store and manage media in cloud storage and stream them anywhere and any time they like.

Examples: CloudPlayer, AudioBox, Beat

Radio Streaming Service

Radio streaming services provide an automated search for music to be delivered to users in the form of genre playlists, artist-centric lists, curated lists.

Examples: Apple Music, iHeartRadio


Now that you have decided what type of music streaming service you want to build, it’s time to decide on the platform.

There are two types of platforms: Android and iOS. If you are tight on your budget then choose your platform according to your targeted audiences and their preferences. For example, if you plan to develop an app for US customers, choose iOS, similarly choosing Android for UK customers.

If you want to stay competitive and have the budget then develop an app for both platforms. This will help you gain more users.


For using the music content in your music streaming app, you need to get a Public Performance License.

If the app is for US users, then you need to apply for the license in any one of these agencies:

  1. The American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP)
  2. Broadcast Music Incorporated (BMI)

For UK users, apply to The Society of European Stage Authors and Composers (SESAC).

Skipping this step can lead to huge fines from a minimum of $750 up to $150,000 per one song played.

Build your app: Essential features for a music streaming app

A music streaming app should have the following features:


Users can register and log in to the app via email, mobile number, or social media account. Also, include the “Forgot Password” feature to make your app more user-friendly.


This feature will allow the users to manage their personal information, make playlists, and update their payment details.


Search is a mandatory feature as it will allow users to search for songs. Users can search for the music by artist, title, album, recording studio, or genre.

My music

For the users to save their favorite music, albums, mark artists, and create playlists.

Share music

This feature will allow users to share their favorite tracks with other users.

Push notifications

This feature will notify users about a new song release, new trend, a new artist, or app updates.


Settings will allow users to change audio and app settings such as selecting streaming quality, music language, click behavior, among others.

Along with these must-have features, you can also incorporate these advanced features:

  • Recommendations
  • Offline access
  • Uploading media
  • Social media sharing

Team and tech stack required for building a music streaming app

It’s time to gather the team. Here is a list of team members required to develop a music streaming app:

  • Business Analyst
  • Project Manager
  • UI/UX designer
  • Android developers
  • iOS developers
  • Back-end developers
  • QA engineer

Coming to the tech stack, these are the following technologies required for developing a music streaming app:

  • Programming languages: Python, Javascript
  • Frameworks: Hadoop, Apache Storm, Hub Framework
  • Server: Nginx
  • Cloud storage: Amazon S3, Google BigQuery
  • CDN: Amazon CloudFront
  • Database: PostgreSQL, Cassandra


According to Research and Markets, the music streaming market is expected to grow by $ 7.47 billion during 2021–2025 progressing at a CAGR of 19% during the forecast period.

The music streaming market is growing with every minute passing by and it surely is a great time to invest in building apps like Spotify and Pandora.

Now that you know almost everything about developing a music streaming app, it’s time to partner with the best app development company across the globe.

Jellyfish Technologies is a reliable mobile app development company. It provides both native and hybrid mobile app development services for Android and iOS.


How to Build an App like Uber: Features, Development & More

If you live in a metropolitan city, you might have used apps like Uber, Lyft, and Gett, for booking taxi rides. According to Business of Apps, around 4.98 billion trips were made using Uber in 2020. This is not a low number, in fact, it is the reason behind companies investing in taxi app development.

If you too are thinking about developing a taxi app, this blog can help you get a better understanding of how an app like Uber works and what technologies are required to develop it

Let’s start!

Why develop an app like Uber?

According to Statista, revenue in the ride-hailing & taxi segment is projected to reach US$31,094m in 2021. Revenue is expected to show an annual growth rate (CAGR 2021–2025) of 15.81%, resulting in a projected market volume of US$55,924m by 2025.

These stats indicate changes in people’s moving behavior. Today, people look for options that can help them avoid parking and traffic stress. This is where apps like Uber come in.

Founded back in 2009, Uber now has operations in over 900 metropolitan areas in 80 countries. Uber gained much success in just a few years by providing customers with an economical and efficient conveyance method. Because of apps like Uber, the taxi market is growing every day and because of the increasing demand for apps like Uber, it surely is a good time to invest in it.

How does Uber work?

Uber has divided its services into four parts, which are:

  • UberX — It is the most cost-efficient option.
  • UberBLACK — It is more costly than UberX and offers luxury cars.
  • UberSUV — For people looking for bigger cars.
  • UberLUX — It is Uber’s premium car service that provides top-of-line luxury cars.

Now let’s understand how to book the above services:

If you want to develop an app like Uber, it’s important to know how the app operates. From booking to payment, there are five steps involved, which are:

Step 1 — Request:

The customer enters the destination address and the pickup location and requests a car instantly or on schedule via the app. This request is then sent to the nearby drivers.

Step 2 — Match:

Once the driver accepts the request, the customer gets a notification regarding the estimated arrival time. If a driver rejects the request, then it is forwarded to another driver.

Step 3 — Ride:

Once the car arrives, both the customer and driver need to verify each other’s names, before starting the ride.

Step 4 — Payment:

Uber gives a price estimation beforehand, to make the experience smoother, for both the driver and the customer. The customer can choose the payment method according to his preferences.

Step 5 — Rate:

Once the payment is done, the customer can rate the services from 1 to 5 stars.

How to build an app like Uber

Time to create the app

Follow these steps to build an app just like Uber:

Step 1 — Requirement analysis:

In this step, you should analyze your targeted customer base and know what they look for in a taxi app.

Step 2 — App design:

Once you know what your customer needs, start laying the foundation of the app, starting from app blueprints to scope documentation, timelines, milestones, wireframes creation, initial system designs, etc.

Step 3 — App development:

This is the development phase of the app. You must tell the app development company whether you need a cross-platform app or a native app as well as which framework or tools to use.

Step 4 — Testing:

Test the app to make sure it meets the requirements.

Step 5 — App deployment:

Now that your app is developed, it’s time to deploy it to the iOS and Android app stores.

Step 6 — Maintenance:

Keep track of the customers’ feedback and make changes accordingly.

Features your Uber-like app should have

Now that you know how to build your taxi app, it’s time to learn about the features that are essential for building an Uber-like app

Essential passenger features in Uber-like app:

  • Registration: For the passengers to register and log in to the app via email, mobile number, or social media account.
  • Choosing ride: For choosing the type of car and entering pick up and drop location.
  • Fare calculator: For providing the estimated trip fare, based on total kilometers, type of car, and traffic condition.
  • Payment: For providing different payment options to the passengers, such as credit/debit card, net banking, PayPal, among others.
  • Tracking: This feature acts as a security feature. It provides all-time location information to the rider or to the person with whom the location is shared.
  • Calling: Feature for the passenger that allows them to call the driver.
  • Ride rating: This feature will allow passengers to rate the ride according to their experience or register complaints if any.
  • Travel history: For passengers to keep a track of their rides.
  • Ride cancellation: This feature allows the rider to cancel the ride before the trip starts.
  • Split payment: This feature allows passengers to split the total fares between them before making payments.
  • Schedule the ride: For passengers looking to schedule their rides beforehand.
  • Book for others: This feature allows the user to book rides for their family members or friends.
  • Emergency button: If the passenger feels any kind of safety threats, then this feature allows him to send an emergency alert to the company’s control room through the app.

Essential driver features in Uber-like app:

  • Trip alert: This feature notifies the driver about an upcoming trip, passenger location, and passenger details.
  • Push notifications: Using this feature, the driver notifies the passenger that the car is on its way and the estimated arrival time.
  • Navigation and route optimization: Using apps like Google Maps, the driver can opt for the fastest route and avoid heavy traffic.
  • Waiting time: This feature allows the driver to charge the passenger if the waiting period exceeds 5 minutes.
  • Next ride alert: The driver is notified about the upcoming trip while completing the current trip.
  • Reports: This feature allows the driver to keep track of the daily rides and the total amount earned.
  • Free cancellation: This feature allows the driver to cancel ride requests made by passengers.

Essential admin features in Uber-like app:

  • Customer and Driver Details Management (CRM)
  • Booking Management
  • Vehicle Detail Management
  • Communication
  • Ratings and Reviews
  • Promotions and Discounts
  • Payroll Management
  • Content Management
  • Customer Support and Help
  • Location and Fares Management

Tech Stack required to build an Uber-like app:

Wrapping Up

According to Business of Apps, Uber had 93 million users in 2020. This figure indicates the growth of the taxi businesses in most developed countries. Building an app like Uber is surely a good investment at this point in time.

So, if you are ready to build your Uber-like app, then one of the leading app development companies, Jellyfish Technologies, can help you get one step closer to your dream.

Jellyfish Technologies is a reliable mobile app development company . It provides both native and hybrid mobile app development services for Android and iOS.

The JFT team is composed of highly experienced native and hybrid mobile app developers and has delivered numerous mobile apps so far.


Top reasons to choose Xamarin for Cross Platform App Development

Today, working day and night is not enough for making a business successful. With hard work, incorporating the use of technology for gaining that extra success has become very important.

Having a mobile application is no longer a choice but has become a necessity for every business. According to Hubspot, 51 % of users say they discovered a new company or product when conducting a search on their smartphones, thereby indicating how having a mobile application can change the pace of business success.

Thinking about developing an app for your business is easy but the problem arises when you need to decide on the development tool. This brings us to the crux of this article: why you should use Xamarin for Cross-Platform App Development?

What is Xamarin?

Xamarin is amongst the most popular cross-platform app development tools that allow app developers to share up to 90 % of code across major platforms. It is a Microsoft product that already has a community of over 1.4 million Xamarin developers.

It uses a single language C#, to create apps for all mobile platforms and is based on the .NET framework. Furthermore, by using Xamarin you can build a high-performance app with a native look and feel, as it is natively compiled.

It is the best option for anyone looking for developing a cross-platform app that provides a native-like user experience.

6 reasons to choose Xamarin for cross-platform app development

1. Fast development process:

Developing a cross-platform app using Xamarin requires the developer to write only one code logic that is reused for all targeted platforms be it iOS or Windows.

Writing only one code saves much of the app developer time and effort which can be utilized in other app development processes. Furthermore, it is very easy for developers to build an app on Xamarin as the C# and .NET-based framework is quite reliable.

App testing on Xamarin is not long and tiring like other apps as Xamarin test cloud allows the testing of applications on the cloud, making the process simpler, shorter, and faster.

2. Easy cross-platform implementation:

Using a single language makes it easy for cross platforms implementation as the general codes written by a developer for different platforms like iOS, Android, and Windows are linked to native APIs for each platform by Xamarin.

Apps built on Xamarin are easy to maintain and update as changes in the source file will automatically reflect at all platforms, instead of making separate changes in every platform.

3. Few codes, fewer bugs:

An app developer doesn’t need to write different codes while developing on Xamarin which allows a lesser number of errors and bugs.

Xamarin provides the best testing options which eliminate the risk of having errors even more. It allows the testing of applications directly in the cloud and on multiple devices and developers can validate code for each platform by writing just one set of tests.

4. Security at its best:

A Xamarin is a kind of app development tool that not only is fast but also provides top-class security as Xamarin comes with deep integration with the cloud (Azure).

The Azure comes with highly secure HTTP certificates, ensuring a secure connection between apps and cloud data. Furthermore, Azure developers provide authentication services that can securely combine social media logins with the backend.

5. High performance:

Apps made using Xamarin have a high-quality design and performance rate. Xamarin uses its own studio and Microsoft studio to create the best UI designs.

Xamarin can create an app that provides a native-like user experience while being a cross-platform app, thus killing two birds with one stone.

Xamarin, unlike other cross-platform development tools, doesn’t hide the uniqueness of different platforms, instead embraces it, thus creating a native-like look and experience.

6. Flexibility and availability:

Being an open-source platform, the codes can be easily altered according to the requirements. Furthermore, Xamarin provides unrestricted access to native APIs, thus allowing to create apps with platform-specific experiences.

Coming to apps developed on Xamarin’s availability, it is backed by the Microsoft Azure ecosystem that offers reliable cloud-based data synchronization, allowing you to use the app even when not connected to the internet.

Wrapping Up

By now it must be clear that if you are developing a cross-platform application then Xamarin is the best development tool for you.

Xamarin is amongst the most used development tools, known for creating apps according to your requirement, without much hustle. If you are thinking of creating a cross-platform app for your business, Jellyfish Technologies can surely help you with that.

Jellyfish Technologies is a reliable app development company, known for its timely delivery, scalable solutions, competitive pricing, and reliable customer service.


Top Mobile App Development Trends That Will Dominate The Market

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” — Arthur C. Clarke (Clarke’s Third Law)

As far as technology advancements, specifically in the mobile app development world are concerned, we have come a long way, to a point where they have become indistinguishable from magic.

These advancements continue to shape the trends in mobile app development.

With the mobile app development market evolving at a break-neck speed, it has become inevitable to be acquainted with the latest trends that dominate this industry. That is how you can serve your users with the best experience.

According to Statista, in 2023, mobile apps are projected to generate more than $935 billion in revenues via paid downloads and in-app advertising.

This skyrocketing revenue forecast makes it pretty clear that leading mobile app development services are expected to leave no stone unturned when it comes to delivering experiences and adopting the top mobile app development trends.

Top Mobile App Development Trends

The moment smartphones entered the technology arena, there was no looking back.

Mobile app development trends started to evolve and ever since, they have made lives simpler, today more than ever, for both users and app developers.

This post discusses some of the top mobile app development trends that have made their presence felt vividly in recent times.

Forecasts, according to a report published by Statista dated Jan 22, 2021, suggest that by 2030 around 50 billion of these IoT devices will be in use around the world, creating a massive web of interconnected devices spanning everything from smartphones to kitchen appliances.

Technology advancements like the 5G, Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Predictive Analytics, chatbots, wearables, Beacon technology, m-commerce, mobile wallets, Augmented Reality (AR), and Virtual Reality (VR), among others, have had an incredible impact on the mobile app development world.

Want to see how? — https://www.jellyfishtechnologies.com/mobile-app-development-trends.html